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Climate change led to a global effort to seek for new trade routes in the Arctic, significantly altering the maritime sector and increasing maritime activities. Attempt to search and navigate on new r

Marine accident analysis is important for ships passing through narrow, shallow and busy waterways. This study analyses the accidents which have occurred in the Istanbul Strait and proposes both quant

In this paper, a technique to classify seven different forearm movements using surface electromyography (sEMG) data which were received from 8 able bodied subjects was proposed. A 2-channel sEMG syste

Teknolojik gelişmeler ışığında toplumların istek ve ihtiyaçlarındaki değişimler, küresel düzeyde üretilen ürün miktarlarının ve çeşitliliğinin artmasına ve ticari veri odaklı büyük bilgi yığınlarının

Thanks to improving technology human life is consistently becoming easier. In points which exceeds human abilities machines come into play and they overcomes they remedy the deficiencies of human. One

Hazelnut is one of the most important agricultural products of Turkey, the largest producer of hazelnuts in the world. The kernel of the hazelnut is a major ingredient of chocolate industry after its

Kullanıcıların karmaşık problemleri bilgisayar ile çözme beklentisi sürekli artışgöstermektedir. Karmaşık problemleri çözmek için geliştirilen algoritmaları genelamaçlı mikroişlemciler üzerinde gerçek

Climate change led to a global effort to seek for new trade routes in the Arctic, significantly altering the maritime sector and increasing maritime activities. Attempt to search and navigate on new r

Marine accident analysis is important for ships passing through narrow, shallow and busy waterways. This study analyses the accidents which have occurred in the Istanbul Strait and proposes both quant

In this paper, a technique to classify seven different forearm movements using surface electromyography (sEMG) data which were received from 8 able bodied subjects was proposed. A 2-channel sEMG syste

Teknolojik gelişmeler ışığında toplumların istek ve ihtiyaçlarındaki değişimler, küresel düzeyde üretilen ürün miktarlarının ve çeşitliliğinin artmasına ve ticari veri odaklı büyük bilgi yığınlarının

Thanks to improving technology human life is consistently becoming easier. In points which exceeds human abilities machines come into play and they overcomes they remedy the deficiencies of human. One

Hazelnut is one of the most important agricultural products of Turkey, the largest producer of hazelnuts in the world. The kernel of the hazelnut is a major ingredient of chocolate industry after its

Kullanıcıların karmaşık problemleri bilgisayar ile çözme beklentisi sürekli artışgöstermektedir. Karmaşık problemleri çözmek için geliştirilen algoritmaları genelamaçlı mikroişlemciler üzerinde gerçek